Still offering a professional service Part time basis or a retiree Equally exposed to professional risk. MPPS creates your insurance premium according to the nature and frequency of each individual…
Directors and responsible officers for association (including professional association) Exposed to risks such as: liabilities to third parties corporate offences. MPPS offers insurance for directors and officers
Volunteer medical workers Need adequate medical professional indemnity insurance Check whether your insurance extends to cover volunteer works MPPS covers all volunteer medical work within Hong Kong
NGO (Non-Government Organization) or NPO (Non-Profit Organization) Offering non-business (under Tax Rule Chapter 88) or semi-business (with a business partner or subsidiary) medical services to the needy Exposed to lawsuits…
You are the sole owner or a partner of a private clinic You and your partner(s) need day to day professional indemnity insurance Recent medical reform regulations increase the liability…
Employed by a medical group or private hospital Full time or contract-based employee Possible employer medical liability insurance coverage. Most employer liability insurance policies… only minimize the risk of its…